Saturday, December 01, 2007


Ah, what sweet relief to finally get home and take off those damn shoes (wiggles toes in bliss). I’m used to sitting in front of a bank of ‘puters that look like something aboard the Star Trek Enterprise for 12 hours (which explains why my arse is soooooo big and my feet aren’t - as you can see in the pic to the right. Yeah, I work hard. Shut up damn it, I get paid for what I know not what I do, not to say I don't do anything ........), not traipsing from store to store in search of the perfect Christmas presents for my tribe of nieces and nephews great and small.

The stores are already thronged by masses of Christmas shoppers, and its assholes and elbows to get to the good stuff. As usual, Jr. just HAS to have the latest gewgaw in fashion and Mom & Dad are bound and determined that the youngster not be shamed in front of his peers. It hasn’t gotten to the bloody mayhem stage yet but I predict that in only a few days time we’ll see newscasts of shoppers fighting in the aisles. There was an EMS vehicle in front of the mall and several cops talking to some young men but I couldn’t tell what happened; it seems that I missed all the excitement, Thank Goodness.

I managed to get 90% of my shopping done, so I’m good. I hate to wait until the last minute and then grab just anything. A gift should show some thought, it's not how much you spend but the fact that you cared enough to think of something that fits the personality of the gifted/giftee.

Now it’s time to kick back on the couch and watch the latest episode of Torchwood on BBCAmerica. Captain Jack is a doll and what with all the overtime that I've been working I've gotten behind on whats happening, plot twists etc. Plus I just have to have my dose of eye candy before bedtime, conductive to sweet dreams don't ya know! Nite Y’all.


yellowdoggranny said...

dont want to brag..but with the exception of one bottle of wine I am done with my started in july all I have to do is the christmas cards..there are still people out there that I send snail mail cards too..most I do on the computer now..but for some reason they always are the last thing I do...about mail them out right before xmas..doh!

Cyberoutlaw said...

I haven't been in a store at this time of year in years. Not since I overcame my fear of shopping online. I'd rather drink swamp water than to go in a store during the holidays!

Anonymous said...

Hello from Mobile!

I just wanted to say hi and say I really enjoyed reading some of your posts.

Not a big Torchwood fan, but a huge Doctor Who fan...been one for years....

If you get a chance, come by and visit....

take care,

texlahoma said...

Your job is kind of like mine. I get paid to be there and keep an eye on things. I just have to buy for my wife. I'm going to wait until my daughter can go shopping with me, she knows what to get way better than I do.

Anonymous said...

Have a Merry Christmas !