Sunday, November 10, 2013


When I try to imagine my future after the plant closes in a few months I draw a blank. I've never not had a job, a reason to get up and get on with my day.

It's a scary thing to not know what to expect, what to do with one's self. I've debated on going back to school but at 58 by the time I get a 2 year degree who would want to hire me? Especially as I'm thinking about going into something to do with computers, which is considered as a young person's field. It's depressing to think that I've devoted 34 years to a company who is kicking me and hundreds of others to the side. I've got tons of skills but the job offers (and there have been several) are for plants as  far away as South America; I feel too old to start over in a new place and leave my friends and family behind.

Enough wining, I'll get off my pity pot, put my big girl panties on and make the best of it.

1 comment:

yellowdoggranny said...

I can't imagine what your going thru. I think a vacation to west is in the works..ha..don't put pressure on your self..time will heal and your too talented to not find a job.