Saturday, December 17, 2005


Yep, the time stamp is right, 2 AM as in early morning. I got off work at 6 pm, went Christmas shopping, and come home to multiple emergency phone calls from work on the answering machine. In bed at 9 PM, up at 12:30 AM and back at work.

Let's see, 7 days X 12 hours + 4 hours extra + 2 hours call in time = Christmas is paid for and then some. Now I need several weeks vacation to recover from the month of December.

I received DB's lei package from Hawaii and I must say he and B'Tude done things up right. I got all kinds of goodies and they even remembered my Grandson. Pictures were going up today but with this schedule it might be another day. I promise to do it ASAP. Right now I'd probably look like a raccoon with the dark circles under my eyes (not to mention the bed-head look I'm sporting. Sorry, I ain't fixing my hair at 12:30 after just a few hours of sleep).

Since this is Christmas week and everyone being so busy with family and shopping, my version of the contest to pass on the traveling lei will start the first week of 2006. A new year to see how far we can send DB's lei around the world.

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