Sunday, June 25, 2006


Damn, sometimes working swing shift is a bitch! I really really really wanted to watch "Broken Trail" on AMC tonight (Sunday and Monday at 8, Eastern and Pacific times; 7, Central time). I've been watching the trailers and hoping that I'd get to see this 2 part mini-series. I grew up watching westerns and now-a-days they don't have good ones on TV like "Raw Hide" and "Wagon Train".

The plot involves young Chinese women who are rounded up and sold to an American intent on transporting them to the frontier to serve as prostitutes (they're all virgins so as to fetch a higher price) and along the way five of them end up in the custody of two flinty cowboys who are taking a herd of wild horses across the wilderness to Wyoming.

Here's the official "Broken Trail" website with videos and all that other good stuff. Here's an article that says "Fixing 'Broken Trail' TV: Unhappy with the first cut, star and producer Robert Duvall made his own". That's the first time that I heard that but if he did it, it's gotta be good. The man don't do trash. Maybe they'll do a repeat so I can watch it.

Robert Duvall is one of my favorite actors and he ain't bad for a "mature" man. What can I say, I always liked the tough guys. Pretty boys need to much TLC. I want a man who'll take care of me without worrying about messing up his hair!


anonymous jones said...


Wil said...

It was a good one. I suspect it will be trotted out pretty regularly on AMC -- their Made-For-TV movies often are.

Time to get a VCR or DVR?

Anonymous said...

AMC is replaying it on July 6, and the DVD comes out on September 5. In the meantime, I would recommend reading the novel, by the screenwriter Alan Geoffrion. I read about the novel in last week's WA Post, and read it before seeing the movie. It didn't ruin a thing for me, as it was different (and better!) than the movie. As a woman, I typically shun the western genre for its focus on shoot-em-ups and violence, but the novel was, for lack of a better phrase, great "western chick lit." Great story, great characters, and even some romance.

Cowtown Pattie said...

Oh, Junie, it was great! I loved it.

Like you, I lust after Sir Duvall...